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10 Tips to find the perfect Dental Job

Looking for any job can be a tough challenge, no matter the field. Dental jobs are no different, but with the right approach, you can find the right job without the challenge. Here are some great tips for finding your perfect job:

  1. Join a Dentist association- Most dental associations will notify members and work with companies to get you the best jobs quickly. Many will have newsletters and job posting boards as well, making your task easier.

  2. Self-apply- Sometimes its just that simple. Most clinics will have an online presence where you can apply with your resume easily. Don’t forget that cover letter!

  3. Apply consistently – Apply for jobs is very time-consuming and can become quite tedious if you don’t stay on top of it. The best way to to apply is a few every day, making sure that you constantly keep your name out there.

  4. Seek specialization- If you find a special skill that gives you an advantage over other applicants, let them know! Any skills you have are an asset for the company, and they want to find a leg up on their competition as well.

  5. Apply on different platforms- Sign up on job platforms like LinkedIn, Indeed, and InfoJobs. Many platforms will have the same job postings as the websites, and make applying a few clicks away easily.

  6. Communicate effectively- Let the employer know what you are looking for. If you want to find the right job, you need to make sure both you and the employer are on the same page with what you both need from each other.

  7. Research thoroughly- Never underestimate a quick online search. If you are going through an interviewing process, many former employees will leave reviews on websites such as LinkedIn, GlassDoor, etc. and these can give you an insight into how the job is.

  8. Collect your documents- Make sure everything you need for the interview- cover letter, resume, references, etc.- are ready to go days before the interview. You want to be prepared and seem ready to go.

  9. Connect with fellow professionals- Just ask around! Lots of professionals in this field are connected to on another, and will always have the scoop on new job opportunities.

  10. Clean up your social media profile- Don’t post dumb things. In todays day and age of social media and online presences, make sure you present yourself well online for any companies that come snooping.

Mark Wallace